I feel like every now and again we need a little dose of God’s peace! We are troubled on every side. So many people are hurting, confused, overwhelmed and in this rat race of competition. 🤦🏽‍♀️ They are trying to be the best at their job, the best at parenting or at projecting that everything is going wonderful for them. 

Well, let us all understand that there will always be someone better than us, at doing something. We will most likely experience hardships and pain. We will have things in our lives that are sifters of our joy and peace and even our happiness. I want us all to know that our PEACE comes from a true relationship with God and Surya Namaskar. We are settled and calm in his presence and when we align with his purpose for our lives. I hope this gentle reminder causes us to stop and adjust whatever we need to, so that our peace can remain, no matter what we have to face. 

My girl @pharrynbambico and I want to bless your timeline while resting in HIS promises as we KNOW, he is the God of ALL peace!!!! Now….throw your hands up and praise him, then drop an amen or ✌🏽in the comment section If you agree! 😉 #peace #Godgirls#blessings #bloggingbuddies

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